Center for Global Education


Whether you’re looking to advise or lead students on overseas programming, the Center for Global Education is your first stop for guidance and resources. Your support of 足彩平台’s internationalization and overseas engagement is our priority.

Plan your faculty-led travel study program

The Center for Global Education values faculty and academic staff interest in developing and leading short-term faculty-led international programs. We look forward to assisting faculty and staff in what will be a richly rewarding opportunity, both for their own professional development and the academic and personal development of 足彩平台 students.

Faculty and academic staff interested in leading a faculty-led program must submit a detailed proposal accompanied by their Chair's feedback and signature to the Center for Global Education for review by the following dates, approximately 15 months prior to the international program start date.

  • Fall and Winterim programs: Oct. 15
  • Spring and summer programs: March 15

A complete proposal consists of:

Faculty should refer to the Faculty-Led Program Handbook and get familiar with the existing faculty-led program offerings when drafting proposals.

Please contact Han Ngo in the Center for Global Education to set up an appointment to discuss your proposal idea.

Faculty resources on risk management:

  • Faculty training
  • Incident Report with student abroad when faculty/leader isn’t present
  • International crisis management plan
  • Reporting a student emergency or incident while abroad
  • Student death procedures
  • Student report on an incident abroad
  • Student reporting a student emergency or incident while abroad

Emeriti travel study policy statement
Travel study proposals to be sponsored by emeriti faculty follow a prescribed approval procedure. This includes review and endorsement by academic departments, Center for Global Education, Extension and Summer Session, college deans, Academic Affairs Staff, and the Vice Chancellor. Travel study courses are considered the purview of current full-time faculty and academic staff, but occasional exceptions for emeriti faculty will be considered within the defined approval procedures.

Faculty grants and opportunities

Three people work together and use technology to test a body of water.


Fulbright Awards
足彩平台 has a strong tradition of participation in Fulbright Programs. Research and Sponsored Programs provides support to 足彩平台 faculty and staff applying for a Fulbright award, while the Center for Global Education provides support for campus units seeking to sponsor/host a Fulbright Scholar.

Wisconsin in Scotland Visiting Faculty
Each year, the Wisconsin in Scotland study abroad program accepts applications from faculty and academic staff for visiting professor appointments on the Wisconsin in Scotland program. Semester and summer appointments are available.

American Association for State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) International Education Initiatives

  • Japan Studies Institute: A two-week, fellowship-funded summer institute held at San Diego State University for faculty and administrators without prior experience in Japanese studies to learn about Japanese civilization, history, language, business and education from scholars, business leaders, artists and journalists.
  • China Studies Institute: A three-week, fellowship-funded summer institute held in Shanghai, Xi'an, and Beijing, China, for faculty members without prior experience in Chinese studies to learn from scholars, business leaders, and education administrators about Chinese civilization, history, language, business and education.

足彩平台 partners with institutions of higher education and other organizations around the world to facilitate international opportunities for members of the 足彩平台 community, such as faculty and student exchanges, study abroad programs, collaborative research and academic projects, economic development projects, and other international activities.

Partnership agreements require an institutional commitment of resources — both human and financial — to maintain. With global partnerships increasingly common, it is important that all parties involved take the time to adequately assess the feasibility of a long-standing partnership from the standpoint of strategic potential, institutional fit; available logistical support (e.g. in the case of student exchanges, on-campus housing and other student services); financial commitment (e.g. institutional responsibilities for faculty salaries and expenses in a faculty exchange agreement); and institutional commitment, support, and motivation.

*If a member of the 足彩平台 community believes that they know of a partnership opportunity that would contribute to university goals, please contact the director of the Center for Global Education to begin the process.

Advising on study abroad

Students and faculty pose for a group photo.


Students frequently cite support and encouragement from faculty and academic advisors as influencing their decision to study abroad. Assistance from faculty and advisors during the study abroad application process is valuable to students in selecting a program and coursework that fits with their academic goals, so the Center for Global Education (CGE) provides the following online resources for faculty and staff on advising for study abroad.

The Center for Global Education assists students before, during, and after their study abroad experience. Pre-departure, the CGE advises students on:

  • Program types and options, and strategies for selecting programs that fit the individual student’s academic goals and personal interests
  • Eligibility, application procedures, financial matters, and other logistical matters
  • How to go about seeking approval for coursework to be taken abroad

In addition to receiving advising from the CGE, students interested in studying abroad are strongly encouraged to meet with their academic advisor to discuss how education abroad will fit into their academic plan. Academic advisors are also encouraged to ask students about their interest in studying abroad in routine advising meetings. All students who are preparing to participate in a study abroad program involving taking courses at a host institution abroad are also required to obtain approval/equivalencies for these courses as part of their application process.

Academic advisors whose advisees have requested a meeting regarding study abroad plans may wish to request that students bring the following items to their advising appointment:

  • A list of the courses offered at the institution abroad that are of academic and personal interest to the student
  • A copy of the student’s AAR
  • A list of any questions or concerns the student may have

During this meeting, academic advisors may wish to disuss with advisees:

  • How this experience fits into the student’s progress toward degree completion.
  • The courses students hope to take abroad, and which courses may help students fulfill degree requirements at 足彩平台 (i.e., major, minor, general education, or elective). Please note that, in most cases, the academic advisor may not be the individual responsible for officially approving study abroad coursework (see information about course approval process below).
  • How the timing of the study abroad experience (e.g., studying abroad as a sophomore vs. as a junior) may affect the courses that student should take and progress toward degree completion.
  • What courses the student may wish to take upon their return to 足彩平台 (if the student will be abroad during the normal “advising period”). The Center for Global Education maintains a list of previously approved course equivalencies that can serve as a helpful guide to students, faculty, and advisors.

Students participating in a study abroad program for which they will be taking credits at a host university abroad are required to obtain approval for their proposed study abroad coursework prior to leaving 足彩平台 to begin their program. Depending on the student's program type, they will do so by completing either a "Transfer Credit Agreement" or a "Course Equivalency Form." Except in the case of a study abroad program offering a standard curriculum to all participants, students are strongly advised to seek approval for twice the number of credits that they actually plan to take abroad, in case of course cancellations, schedule conflicts, etc. The majority of study abroad coursework can been approved by the following individuals:

Students are expected to get their courses approved before departure and to let CGE know of changes to their schedule after the program begins. Please note that for certain programs or specialized courses students may need to work with individual department chairs or other designated faculty members for course approval. If department chairs require additional information (e.g. course syllabi, contact hours, recommended credit conversion, etc.) or guidance to approve course equivalencies, please contact a Study Abroad Coordinator.

Request a workshop

Faculty, staff, and student organizations are welcome to request presentations or workshops led by Center for Global Education staff. Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Study abroad opportunities
  • Supporting international students
  • Advising on study abroad
  • Proposing faculty-led programs
  • International opportunities after graduation

If you’d like a Center for Global Education staff member to conduct a presentation or workshop within your campus unit, class, or student organization, please contact us to get started.

Center for Global Education

McCutchan Hall
239 Prince Street
Whitewater, WI 53190

Study Abroad

McCutchan Hall, room 204

International Student and Scholar Services

McCutchan Hall, room 220

International Admissions

McCutchan Hall, room 208