
Public Posting Policy

Source: Offices of the Vice-Chancellor for Administrative Affairs and Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs

Revised: February 2022 

These general guidelines exist to clarify the parameters to which individuals and groups are subject when they post or display printed material in or on any of the University buildings and grounds. For the purposes of this policy statement, printed materials shall refer to posters, flyers, pictures, signs, brochures, and other such material of this nature. Building supervisors may determine other guidelines that would better address the needs of their buildings. Individual building guidelines must comply with the general guidelines. The authority for this policy is derived from the Wisconsin Administrative Code, University of Wisconsin System, Chapter UWS 18.06 (17).

Interior and exterior walls/doors/windows of University buildings (unless specifically labeled “approved” by the Building Supervisor), light poles, outdoor furniture, or other vertical surfaces, trees, and other vegetation are not to be utilized for the posting of materials. 

All materials designed to promote the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, or any printed materials that promote illegal activity will not be permitted. The determination of what is appropriate shall be made by the appropriate Building Supervisor and/or the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs, in accordance with the University, UW System or other laws/policies.

The sponsoring department or organization's (Sponsor) name shall appear on all printed materials.

Allowed Sponsors:

  1. Recognized student organizations and University departments.
  2. University partner, Whitewater Chamber of Commerce. The University Center (UC) will sponsor members of the Whitewater Chamber of Commerce, who may advertise on campus as long as they are in compliance with this policy. Chamber members should bring materials for posting to the UC Room #250 for approval. UC staff  will review and place an approval stamp on the materials. Chamber members are required to physically post in allowed locations. All materials must be stamped before they are put at any location, otherwise they will be discarded.
  3. Individuals posting for sale items, rentals, or subrentals.  These types of postings are limited to labeled locations, as determined by each building.  

Only those postings that meet criteria above are allowed. The University reserves the right to remove any postings not meeting above criteria.  Any sponsor found to be abusing the posting privilege by not following the policy or through disreputable practices will have their postings removed and may be prohibited for future access by the University.


Bulletin Boards

It is the responsibility of each Building Supervisor, or designee, to allocate and administer bulletin board space within their respective building. Bulletin boards should be clearly labeled with intended use. Each Building Supervisor shall allot bulletin board space for general student organization use and for campus/community use. The respective Building Supervisor, in consultation with the units affected, shall determine bulletin board space for colleges, departments, administrative offices, and other uses. Working together with the Building Supervisors in classroom buildings, each academic department will identify bulletin boards to be used for departmental and student organization notices. All remaining bulletin boards and those not identified for departmental use shall be open for public posting within policy stipulations. Each building shall have a specified location for use by members of the Whitewater Chamber of Commerce for approved postings.

All bulletin boards shall be adequately identified as to their authorized use. University staff and Facilities Planning and Management (FP&M) staff shall make an effort to remove daily (except in the University Center, Esker, Drumlin, Moraine, and the Residence Hall) printed materials that are improperly posted, outdated, or promote the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages or illegal activity. Postings may not be posted on the same bulletin board for more than 2 weeks.

FP&M staff shall clear all general bulletin boards from academic buildings once per semester unless determined otherwise by the Building Supervisor. All materials shall be discarded. FP&M staff shall remove these above mentioned materials from all outdoor , signboards or kiosks. 

Postings should not be larger than 11” x 17” (except where marked as allowed, ie Large Format Posters).  Duplicate posting materials are not allowed on any one bulletin board.Classroom 

Chalkboards/Write-On Board

Classroom chalkboards/write-on boards are instructional tools to be utilized by faculty/staff. During class time, use of the classroom chalkboards is at the discretion of the instructor. The Building Supervisor may decide whether or not to have the custodian clean the material off the boards each night.

User Supplied Table Tents
Table Tents or other materials that may be appropriate to distribute on table tops, are permissible in certain facilities. Recognized student organizations, Campus departments and approved sponsors wishing to distribute table tents should contact the appropriate Building Supervisor. Table tents for the University Center, Esker and Drumlin are approved through the SAI Staff, room #146. Because a limited number of tents are allowed at any one time, dates are assigned on a first-come, first- serve basis.

Large Format Posters (larger than 11” x 17”)

The University Center, Drumlin, and Esker have large format posting locations.   These posting locations are available for posters greater than 11”x17” in size, and cannot be wider than 36” and may not touch the floor.  Other Building Supervisors may create or approve posting locations on a case by case basis. 

Sandwich Boards

Sandwich boards (interior and/or exterior) may be used by Campus departments and approved sponsors. They must:

  1. Be set up by sponsors and be removed by 10 pm daily
  2. Not block entrances or inhibit accessibility


Indoor Banners

The University Center maintains a hanging space in the atrium for hanging banners for Recognized Student Organizations, Campus Departments, and Approved Sponsors are eligible to reserve this space.  Banners must clearly include the sponsor’s name, be no more than 3 feet tall and 10 feet long, and cannot exceed 6 pounds in total weight.  Groups reserve the space on a first-come-first-serve basis and the space is limited to two single sided banners at a time.  Space is reserved in 7 day increments beginning on Mondays.  Space is reserved through UC Reservations (UC 252).  Banners are to be dropped off at UC Reservations on the first Monday of the reserved time frame. Banners not picked up within 48 hours of end of reservation will be discarded.  For the complete UCClothesline Policy, use this link:  http://ekdlxw.hiqgo.com/documents/uc/policies/UCClotheslinePolicy.pdf


It is the responsibility of Facilities Planning and Management staff to monitor any signage not attached to a building. 

Stake-in-the-Ground signs

Stake-in-the-ground signs are not permitted, with the exception of directional or informational signs for officially approved University sponsored or recognized student organization functions. Approval and scheduling for this type of greenspace posting is overseen by UWW Police.  Please contact UWW Police at police@hiqgo.com for approval and reservation.

Table-top signs

Table-top signs that can easily be blown around by the wind are not permitted on outdoor tables.

Side-walk Chalking

The use of chalk to create signs is permitted only on sidewalks. Markers or spray chalk that are permanent are not permitted. Chalking may not be done under entrance canopies or under overpasses where the rain cannot wash away the chalk. Chalking is also not allowed on any vertical surfaces such as buildings, retaining walls or steps. Only Recognized student organizations,  Campus departments, and approved sponsors may chalk on campus. 

Outdoor Signboards

Only Recognized student organizations, Campus departments, and approved sponsors may use designated signboard locations. Outdoor signboards (1/2" x 4'x4') can only be displayed in designated locations across campus. A reservation for use of a signboard location is made at the Reservations Office in the University Center. Sponsors are responsible for the removal of signboards by 5:00 pm of Sunday ending the reservation. Failure to do so will result in the signboard being discarded by FP&M Staff Additional information regarding this type of posting can be found here: http://hiqgo.com/documents/uc/policies/Signboard%20Policy%20and%20Locations%201.2022.pdf


University Marketing and Communication Campus Identity Standards:  http://ekdlxw.hiqgo.com/identity-standards  

University Housing Policies Related to Posting (Posting, Campaigning, Sales and Solicitation):  http://ekdlxw.hiqgo.com/housing/policies 

Main Street Banner Locations:  The City of Whitewater hosts two locations for banners to be hung across Main Street; to reserve a space, discuss rental fees, and more, contact the Whitewater Parks and Recreation Department Director at 262-473-0122

City of Whitewater Park and Building Reservations:  http://whitewater.recdesk.com/Community/Facility 

Revised 02/22/22

Last Version 12 October 2010