
Display of Official Flags

Policy Number


Policy Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on the display of the national, state, and university flags at official flagpoles.

Responsible 足彩平台 Office

Division of Academic Affairs


  1. Official Flagpole (may be referred to simply as Flagpole in this policy): Each campus has designated official flagpole(s). No other flagpoles can be established at either campus without approval from the chancellor.
  2. Official Flags (may be referred to simply as Flags in this policy): United States flag, State of Wisconsin flag, and the University flag. The Official Flags of the United States Armed Forces may also be flown at the official flagpole between Laurentide Hall and McCutchan Hall.

Policy and Procedures

  1. Official 足彩平台 flagpoles:
    1. On the Whitewater campus, the official campus flagpoles are 1) in front of the Alumni Center on Main Street, 2) at the Visitor Center on Starin Road, 3) between Laurentide Hall and McCutchan Hall, and 4) at intercollegiate athletic fields. 
    2. On the Rock County campus, the flagpole is between the parking lot and the campus buildings. 
  1. Only official flags may be flown on official campus flagpoles. 
  2. It is the policy of 足彩平台 that the national and state flags are displayed at the university in accordance with federal and state regulations. Public Law 94-344 shall govern the proper use and display of the flag. Generally, the flags will be flown 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with proper lighting. 
  3. Flags may be flown temporarily, such as raised and lowered for athletic events. 
  4. Flags may be taken down due to inclement weather by order of the chancellor, chancellor’s designee, or the chief of police.
  5. The lowering of flags to half-staff is done on occasion by the order of the president of the United States or governor of Wisconsin.
  6. The raising and lowering of flags at official Whitewater campus flagpoles is primarily the responsibility of the 足彩平台 University Police, with the exception of 1) the flagpole between Laurentide Hall and McCutchan Hall, which is managed by the 足彩平台 ROTC Program, and 2) athletic fields, which will be managed by the athletics staff.
  7. The raising and lowering of flags at official Rock County campus flagpoles is primarily the responsibility of the 足彩平台 at Rock County. 
  8. As a measure of respect for a current employee or currently enrolled student, the University flags may be at half-staff at the direction of the chancellor, typically for a full day.
  9. The Division of Academic Affairs is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the flags, with the exception of 1) the flagpole between Laurentide Hall and McCutchan Hall, which is managed by the 足彩平台 ROTC Program, and 2) athletic fields, which will be managed by athletics staff.
  10. 足彩平台 University Police is responsible for investigating or handling any unusual circumstances at any flagpoles, such as unauthorized raising, lowering, theft, or improper use of flags.

Related Policies

Public Law 94-344
Flag of the United States: 4 U.S.C. Ch. 1 §§ 1 & 2
Flag of the State of Wisconsin: Wis. Stats. §§ 1.08, 1.14

Policy History

First approved December 9, 2022

Scheduled Review

December 2027