Center for Inclusive Transition, Education, & Employment (CITEE)
Wisconsin Coordinated Specialty Care

Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC)

About Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC)

Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) is an evidence-based, early intervention model serving youth and young adults who are experiencing a first episode of psychosis (FEP). They might have unusual thoughts or beliefs, feel fearful or suspicious of others, see or hear things that others do not, or have disorganized thinking. Individuals who receive treatment sooner have better short and long-term outcomes like attainment of goals for school, work, and relationships, reduction in symptoms, reduced use of hospital services, and improved overall quality of life.

How does CSC work?

Using a coordinated team approach, the model emphasizes addressing individual’s unique goals, strengths, needs, and preferences through shared decision-making and a recovery-oriented philosophy. The team works with the young person and their loved ones to develop the best treatment plan based on individual needs, which may include family education and support, medications, supported education and employment, and therapy. CSC clients are enrolled in the program for a limited time (2-5 years). This early intervention offers real hope for clinical and functional recovery.

What is the goal of the CSC Grants Program?

The goal of this Grants Program is to support the expansion of CSC in Wisconsin through a phased implementation approach as outlined below. This funding will provide implementation support and training and technical assistance with the goal of program fidelity by the end of 2025.

How large is the need for Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC)?

The annual incidence rate of psychosis ranges from 15-100 per 100,000 i and up to 272/100,000 for the Medicaid population. ii Those who experience psychosis are at much greater risk for suicide, hospitalization, incarceration, homelessness, and long-term financial and social challenges. The cost to individuals is high, but so is the cost to our systems. The average length of stay at Winnebago 15.6 days and the average charge per discharge is $18,541. iii Coordinated Specialty Care costs about $1,350 per month or $16,200 per year per client. iv

Does CSC already exist in Wisconsin?

Wisconsin currently has three sites: Western Region Recovery and Wellness Consortium led by Dunn County (Buffalo, Burnett, Chippewa, Pepin, Pierce, Polk, Rusk, and Washburn Counties), Milwaukee County, and Journey Mental Health Center in Dane County. CSC is funded with the 10% set aside of the Mental Health Block Grant.

Funding for the Coordinated Specialty Care Grants Program is made possible through the Department of Health Services, SAMHSA CFDA 93.958. The program is administered by DHS/DCTS in coordination with the Center for Inclusive Transition, Education and Employment (CITEE).