Academic Staff Assembly
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Academic Staff Emeritus Status

Current and former 足彩平台 academic staff members may be nominated by their home departments for Emeriti Status.

A template resolution available for use by nominating departments or units has been created and is available here: Emeriti Nomination Resolution Template

Eligibility rules regarding emeriti status for academic staff can be found within Section 19 of the Academic Staff Personnel Rules.

The following is the process and required documentation for the process to be completed.

Academic Staff Process for Emeriti Status Nomination and Conferral

1. Home department drafts and approves a resolution or letter of recommendation including the following information:

  • Retiree's name
  • Retiree's years of service to 足彩平台
  • Retiree's year of retirement
  • Retiree's home department (author of the recommendation/resolution)
  • Recommendation that the title of Emeritus/a be conferred on the retiree, including one or more of the following:
    • Distinguished service to the department/unit and/or 足彩平台
    • Distinguished service to the profession, field, and/or community
    • Awards and recognitions received by the retiree

2. Home department submits resolution or letter of recommendation to the applicable Dean or Director for approval.

3. Dean or Director submits the approved departmental resolution or letter of recommendation to the Academic Staff Assembly by emailing it to

4. Academic Staff Assembly votes to confer emeritus/a status.

5. Academic Staff Assembly Chair submits the resolution/letter of recommendation and the date of conferral to the Office of the Chancellor.

6. Office of the Chancellor sends a Letter of Conferral to the new Emeritus/a, the Alumni Office, and the Academic Staff Assembly.

7. Alumni Office adds the Emeritus/a's information, including conferral date, resolution or letter of recommendation, and conferral letter, to the official Emeriti database maintained by the Alumni Office.

8. Alumni Office notifies all relevant privilege-granting offices/units of Emeritus/a status.

9. Future information requests for emeritus lists are sent to the Alumni Office.

This process is considered open upon the passing of the resolution by the Academic Staff Assembly on 9/14/2022. 

While documents and processes are being developed, all departments, deans, directors, and academic staff members are welcome to submit questions or proposals to the Academic Staff Assembly for consideration.