Police Department
Police officer from 足彩平台 at commencement

Building Supervisor Manual

The University of Wisconsin System and University of Wisconsin-Whitewater prohibit the unlawful possession, use, distribution, manufacture or dispensing of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on university property or as part of university activities.

The use or possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on university premises, except in faculty and staff housing and as expressly permitted by the Chancellor or under institutional regulations, in accordance with s. UWS 18.06(13)(a), Wis. Adm. Code. Without exception, alcohol consumption is governed by Wisconsin statutory age restrictions under s. UWS 18.06(13)(b), Wis. Adm. Code.

The unlawful use, possession, distribution, manufacture or dispensing of illicit drugs ("controlled substances" as defined in ch. 161, Wis. Stats.,) is prohibited in accordance with s. UWS 18.10, Wis. Adm. Code.

Violation of these provisions by a student may lead to the imposition of a disciplinary sanction, up to and including suspension or expulsion under s. UWS 17.06(1)(c), Wis. Adm. Code. University employees are also subject to disciplinary sanctions for violation of these provisions occurring on university property or the worksite or during work time, up to and including termination from employment. Disciplinary sanctions are initiated and imposed in accordance with applicable procedural requirements and work rules, as set forth in Wisconsin statutes, administrative rules, faculty and academic staff policies, and collective bargaining agreements. Referral for prosecution under criminal law is also possible. Further, violations of ss. UWS 18.06(13) and 18.10, Wis. Adm. Code may result in additional penalties as allowed under ch. UWS 18, Wis. Adm. Code.

Employees who are convicted of any criminal drug statute violation occurring in the workplace must notify their supervisor (dean, director or department chair) within 5 days of the conviction if the employees are employed by the university at the time of the conviction. Supervisors of employees who are being paid from federal funds must then notify the Dean of Graduate Studies within 5 days of the conviction. The dean, in turn, will notify both the federal contracting or granting agency and the appropriate university office within 5 days after receiving notice from the supervisor. The university will take appropriate referral or disciplinary action within 30 days of the employee notifying the supervisor.

Students and employees who have problems with alcohol or controlled substances are encouraged to voluntarily contact the Student/Employee Assistance Program (S/EAP) Coordinator for referral to counseling or treatment programs. Early diagnosis and treatment of chemical abuse is in the best interests of the university, students, and employees. Voluntary contacts with the S/EAP Coordinator may remain confidential. The 足彩平台 S/EAP Coordinator may be reached at the Health Center, Room 2005 (phone 472-1490). There is also a 24 hour Crisis Line (phone 472-5770).

NOTE: For more information on this subject see: University Handbook, Section I-F, Page 4

Source:      Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs


Criteria for access to University buildings has been established by Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter 18, Conduct on University Lands under section (7) Closing Hours, (14) Picnicking and Camping and (24) Unauthorized Presence. Occupancies and activities in university buildings have been established by the Wisconsin Building Code Chapter 54, Factories, Office and Mercantile Occupancies, which includes classrooms, laboratories, office space and related academic occupancies. Residential occupancy is prohibited in academic areas covered under Chapter 54. This chapter specifies specific requirements such as fire resistive construction, exits and egress requirements and plumbing requirements. Mixed occupancies are not allowed unless the building is constructed according to the appropriate code. Emergency responders expect occupants of business academic occupancy to be awake, alert and able to respond to fire and other building emergencies. Emergency responders respond differently in residential occupancy. For this reason, the administration will enforce unauthorized use and occupancy of university buildings. 

General Statement of Principle

It shall be policy and practice that access to, and occupancy of, University buildings by students and the general public be limited to times when it is reasonable to expect that they are staffed during regular building hours or by special staff assignment if outside the regular building hours. Unsupervised access to and occupancy of University buildings by University faculty and staff outside of regular building hours is authorized for those individuals issued building keys for the sole purpose of conducting work activities defined within the scope of their employment. This is authorized with the expectation that they notify the Building Supervisor. Each building entrance will have posted building hours in accordance with Wis. Admin. Code UWS 18.06(7)(a).

Schedules for Buildings during Weekdays and Saturday Class Days

A schedule is in place that defines regular weekday and Saturday building hours for all buildings. Those hours are posted at the entrances of each building. Within these parameters, buildings and general areas within the building are routinely locked and unlocked by FPM staff. All other buildings are locked and unlocked by assigned building staff. Individual offices, work areas and specialty areas within the building are locked and unlocked by occupants of the units.

Extended Building Hours, Weekends, Holidays, & Academic Breaks

If there is a need to have a building or area(s) within a building open to students or the general public outside of the normal posted weekday building hours, on weekends, holidays, or academic breaks the building supervisor must be notified. The Building Supervisor, in conjunction with the appropriate department or unit must identify and assign an individual(s) to be responsible for locking and unlocking the building or space, to provide access to the activity or event and to be responsible for the supervision of the building while it is unlocked.

If access is to use only a specific room or lab facility in the building, the individual(s) in charge is responsible to provide access to the specific area. The individual(s) must then provide or arrange for appropriate supervision of the activity and to properly secure the space when the activity is completed. 

Authorization for occupancy of a building and facilities within buildings outside of regular building hours will be communicated to University Police (and other identified staff) by utilizing the University Reservation System.

In addition to routine patrolling, University Police, to the extent shift scheduling allows, will include those buildings in their patrol that have planned extended hours arrangements to assure the buildings are properly secured after the activity. If variances are noted, the building supervisor will be provided a notice of what was found.

Employee Security

University employees, faculty and staff who have been issued building keys and have authorization to utilize campus facilities during times when buildings are scheduled to be closed are strongly encouraged to contact the University Police Services and inform them they are in the building. This communication is important in the event of a campus or building emergency or threat to the employee alone in the building. This notice should be made simultaneously with University Police Services and the Building Supervisor of these plans to use the facilities.

Building Supervisor Training

Staff of University Police Services and Risk Management will provide periodic training regarding responsibilities and emergency response procedures specifically for individuals in charge of buildings or activities outside of regular building hours. This training is in addition to general training made available to all staff for regular building hours activity.

Staff are expected to direct the evacuation from their work area as discussed in this policy paper.

  1. Students with disabilities will contact their Resident Assistant during the first week of the semester if they need assistance evacuating the residence hall.

  2. They may request their Resident Assistant's help in recruiting student volunteers from the floor near them who can assist them in the evacuation process. It will be the disabled student's responsibility to notify residence hall staff of their personal evacuation plan during an emergency. The options are to remain in place or to evacuate. During an emergency, residence hall staff will not be able to go room to room assisting students to evacuate.

  3. The campus University Health and Counseling Services Physical Therapist will provide door and window markers for persons with disabilities so emergency response staff will know their locations.

  4. Resident Assistants will keep a log and floor plan of the disabled student rooms on their floors. This plan will be kept by the floor RA and at the main desk in each residence hall.

  5. The following standard operating procedures should be followed by students with disabilities who are unable to self evacuate residence halls:

    1. Fire Evacuation
      Persons with disabilities who are unable to self evacuate should close their doors and place a wet towel at the bottom of the door. They should wait there until assistance from the residence hall staff or fire department arrives, if necessary.

    2. Tornado Evacuation
      Persons with disabilities who are unable to self evacuate should if able:

      • Crawl under a desk or protect yourself with a mattress
      • Sit in a fetal position, keeping face and head covered
      • Stay clear of windows if at all possible
    Assisting the Wheelchair User:
    • Remember: Wheelchairs have parts not designed to handle the stress of lifting.
    • Never carry the person while in their wheelchair. However a manual chair can be used to assist the evacuation process.
    • Prior to moving the person, check for life-support equipment.
    • DO NOT take an electric chair up/down stairs.
    • If the student is unable to speak clearly, look for a sign on the chair with printed instructions.
    • Position the person in the safest place possible according to the emergency.
    • Alert emergency personnel of person's location.
    Assisting the Person with Visual Impairment:
    • Offer to assist the visually impaired to a safe location.
    • Have the person take your elbow.
    • The person with visual impairment will be responsible for their guide dog.
    Assisting the Person with Hearing Impairment:
    • Alert the person with hearing impairment that an emergency exists.
    • Use gestures/notes to indicate type of emergency.
    Assisting the Person with Mobility Impairment:
    • Offer your assistance.
    • If help is requested, assist as directed to a safe location.
    • The person with mobility impairment will be responsible for their service dog.
    General Guidelines for Fire and Tornado Emergency:
    • Remain calm.
    • Be familiar with the distinct fire/tornado alarm signals.
    • Know primary and alternate routes of evacuation or exit.
    • Never use an elevator in a fire or tornado emergency.
    • Leave ALL materials in the room to avoid wasting time.
    • Do not move disabled persons without first asking them.
    • For fire emergencies never re-enter a building until permitted by emergency personnel.

Fire Emergency Response

If a fire alarm sounds and you are in a building, please do the following:

  • Remain calm.
  • Feel door and knob; if cool, open door slowly.If door knob is hot or hallway is filled with smoke:
    • Seal cracks around door with wet towels, clothing, etc.
    • If a phone is available, call the Fire Department (dial 911) to report the fire.
    • Open the window and hang an object out the window such as a sheet or clothing to attract attention.
    • Remain near window and keep low to floor.
    • Keep your face covered to aid in breathing.
    If you can exit safely:
    • Always wear shoes.
    • Close and lock your door and window.
    • Do not use elevator.
    • Leave through the nearest exit; if smoke is present, use another exit.
    • Stand clear of building after exiting.
    • Do not attempt to re-enter building.

Tornado Emergency Response

If you are alerted about a Tornado Warning or other severe weather please do the following immediately:

  • Avoid auditoriums, gymnasiums, and other large rooms with free-span roofs
  • If in your room, close and lock your window and door before leaving
  • Do not use elevators
  • Move to the basement or a lower level hallway as quickly as possible
  • Stay away from windows and other areas with large quantities of glass
  • Protect your head and face. If possible, get under a sturdy table or other structure
  • Do not return to your room until all clear is given by resident hall staff.If there is not time to evacuate to a safe area:
    • Crawl under a desk or protect yourself with a mattress
    • Sit in a fetal position, keeping face and head covered
    • Stay clear of windows if at all possible

In the event of severe weather conditions, all on-campus operations of 足彩平台 will be carried on unless power outages or other critical circumstances preclude the use of University buildings. Therefore, it should be assumed that scheduled activities will continue unless instructions from the Chancellor's Office direct to the contrary.

Individuals who must travel to or from campus should use their judgment as to whether or not such travel is wise. Should it be necessary to cancel a class due to the absence of a faculty member, it is the responsibility of that faculty member to notify the department chairperson and to schedule an appropriate make-up session. Class cancellations should not be telephoned directly to the Campus Radio Station or Channel 6 TV but must be transmitted by the departmental or college office. Students should contact the department of the course for information about the status of individual classes.

The operation of off-campus classes in a weather emergency will be governed by whether the facility in which they are held is open. If the facility is closed, the class will be cancelled. The Office of Continuing Education will notify the instructor of such a cancellation. Each class will use its system of students notifying each other of such a cancellation to avoid persons expecting the class to be held when it is not.

1. If an elevator is expected to be out-of-service for more than 72 hours, classes will be moved to accessible locations.

2. Public notice of shutdowns will be broadcast on Cable 6 and WSUW. Notices will be posted at the elevator on all floors and any classroom changes will be spelled out.3. If the shutdown is less than 72 hours, it will be the student's responsibility to contact the departmental office to request that the lecture be taped. Faculty must provide affected students with the opportunity to make up any missed work, assignments, etc. Faculty members will make arrangements to have their lectures taped. Students will be responsible to contact the faculty members within 24 hours of the missed classes to obtain the tape and to review class proceedings. In the case of lab work, computer programs and related courses of a technical nature, affected students will receive additional time to complete work.

All 足彩平台 facilities are institutional space owned by the State of Wisconsin. Institutional space is potentially available for any approved University function. Therefore, institutional space is not owned by any department or program, but rather is assigned by the University to a department or program for its use.

After term scheduling has been completed, instructional space is available for reservations.* All other space may be reserved by University departments and recognized organizations throughout the year. All reservations for General and Controlled Access space, as defined below, must be scheduled using the University reservation system in order to be valid and have priority.

General Access - Space approved and reserved through the University Reservationist. For reservations beyond established building hours, all General Access space converts to Controlled Access space.

Controlled Access - Space approved and reserved through a building supervisor or designee. Such space must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  1. Health & safety code requirements: training/supervision required for use due to specialized or hazardous equipment
  2. Specific design/function: examples include: pool, gyms, studios (art, music, radio, & TV...) Theaters, performance halls, labs (computer/science), dining facilities, University Center, Williams Center, Stadium, Young Auditorium
  3. Extraordinary security needs: space determined through consultation with campus police/risk management

Note: Institutional criteria NOT to be considered when defining space as controlled access include:

  • certain AV equipment (slide projector, overhead and video projection units)
  • on-call, spur-of-the-moment meetings
  • grant/gift purchases
  • vandalism concerns
  • special materials that could be stored

*Certain spaces are not reservable due to their specific functions (i.e., offices, storage rooms, closets, bathrooms, and hallways).


SOURCE: Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs

The facilities of the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater are open to political parties and candidates for the purpose of holding public meetings on campus, if the facilities have not been previously scheduled, are not being used for academic purposes, and are otherwise available. The use of facilities at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater by political parties or candidates must be under the sponsorship of a recognized student organization, administrative office, department, or college on campus. Such public political use is strictly limited to bona fide public meetings and does not permit use of this University's facilities by political parties or candidates desiring to conduct a revenue-producing activity. The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater will not permit its facilities to be used by political parties or candidates when political fund-raising activities, such as dinners, cocktail parties, and the like, are to be held for campaign purposes. Questions should be addressed to the Director of the University Center.

Campaigning in state-owned residence halls is governed by the Wisconsin Administrative Code, Chapter UWS 18.06 (16m). The residence hall students at the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater have approved the following campaigning policy within Chapter UWS 18.06 (16m):

Solicitation by political candidates in the living areas of the residence halls is prohibited. Political candidates may solicit in the lobby and basement recreational areas, or on the floor if invited by the residents of the floor. Political candidates must complete a form available from the Office of Residence Life, and have the approved form on their person at the time of solicitation.

In accordance with Chapter UWS 18.06 (17), Wisconsin Administrative Code, the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater does not permit the use of buildings, windows or other university grounds or furnishings (trash cans, outdoor benches, etc.) for political advertising/campaigning or elections (campus or governmental), except as provided in the UW - Whitewater University Posting Policy and the Landscape Posting Policy.

Organizations or persons violating these guidelines will be referred to Campus Activities and Programs and may be subject to penalties under Chapter UWS 18.07, Wisconsin Administrative Code.

Policy-Coverage Definition:

The University is currently protected for liability arising out of the negligent actions of its employees, agents and officers through the State Self-Funded Liability program. This program is administered by the Department of Administration under State Statutes 893.82 and 895.46.

In order for coverage to exist, negligence must be proven on the part of a University agent, employee, or officer. Negligence can be determined through a four step analysis of the situation in which the injury occurred. The campus risk manager will evaluate each liability claim based on these four requirements:

  1. A duty of some type is owed by the University to the third party in the particular situation where injury occurred. For example, the University has the duty to drive safely when using vehicles on public roads.
  2. The University employee, agent, or officer fails to fulfill the duty that is owed, for example, fails to drive safely.
  3. An injury or damage to a third party occurs.
  4. The injury or damage which occurred was a proximate result of the University's failure to meet its duty.

Based on these criteria, the campus risk manager can more clearly determine when negligence has occurred and when claim payment should be considered. Payment should also be dependent upon the fact that a University employee, agent, or officer was responsible for the negligence and that the individual was acting within the scope of his/her duties at the time of the incident.

The University does not provide liability protection for its employees, agents, or officers while they are acting outside of the scope of their employment duties.

Procedures-Claims Handling:

Any incident resulting in injury or damage to a third party (a non-University employee) or their property should be reported to the campus risk manager. This includes but is not limited to bodily injuries which occur on University property or during University events to student or guests of the University; damage incurred to non-University property which is on or off campus as a result of University activities; or any other damages which may potentially be construed as the responsibility of the University.

It is the responsibility of the campus risk manager to inform campus personnel of proper reporting procedures for the campus. According to State Statute 893.82, the claimant has exactly 120 days from the date of the incident to file a legal claim with the Attorney General's office.

The Campus risk manger is the central incident reporting point for the campus, receipt of an incident report from campus personnel or from a third party claimant will be handled consistently.

Written Claim Submission:

The following relevant information should be submitted:

  • incident report
  • police report/motor vehicle accident report if available
  • witness statements
  • claimant statements
  • weather reports at time of incident
  • statements from UW employees to substantiate situation--i.e., grounds keeper
  • photographs of incident location
  • medical bills
  • property estimates


The purpose of this policy is to provide adequate building security for persons and property through the control of keys issued, to assure appropriate access to work areas by employees in buildings on the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater campus, and to allow unrestricted access by University Police and selected maintenance personnel to all campus areas for reasons of security, safety, and health.

Key Levels/Required Authorizations

Grand Master Key: Provides total access to all buildings within a particular system on campus. Authorization for this key is granted by the Director of Facilities Planning and Management (FP&M)and is restricted to security and maintenance personnel only.

Building Master Key: Provides access to all spaces within an individual building. The issuance of this key is restricted to persons authorized by the Building Supervisor and Dean in conjunction with the Executive Director of Facilities Planning and Management for General Program Revenue (GPR) buildings, and the Executive Director of Auxiliary Services for Program Revenue (PR) buildings.

Building Sub-Master Key: Provides access to a group of rooms within a department or building. Authorization for this key will be determined by the Dean, Building Supervisor, Director or Department Chair.

Individual Room Key: Provides access to a room/office within an individual building. Authorization is granted by the Dean, Building Supervisor, Director or Department Chair.

Key Policy Basics

University Police must have unrestricted access to all campus areas for safety, security, and health reasons, through the establishment and maintenance of a master keying system.

All employees (FTE, LTE and Grad Assistants) of 足彩平台 will be assured access to their work space. In most situations, keys will be issued directly to employees. As keyholders, individuals will assume responsibility for safekeeping and eventual return of university keys.

Keys will not be issued to students or student employees, except as provided for in the PR buildings key policies. A Dean, Director, or Department Chair may authorize temporary key access to a student employee within a department by following procedures listed in Section E-4, and will assume responsibility for its use.

A Building Supervisor will be designated for each building. One of the responsibilities of the position will be supervision of key transactions.

Actual key issuance and collection, along with related key form paperwork and record keeping in GPR buildings, will be handled within departments by designees of the Building Supervisor. These "Contact Persons" will act as department liaisons between FP&M Lockshop and Building Supervisor.

The issuance of keys for the University Center, Moraine Hall, Dining Halls and Residence Halls (PR buildings) is not discussed in detail within this policy. Employees working in these buildings must conform to the basic security principles identified within this document, as well as the specific key policies established by the Executive Director of Auxiliary Services for PR buildings.

Lost or stolen keys will not be replaced until a report has been filed with University Police.

Chargeable/Non-Chargeable Key Issues

  • Original keys issued to an employee are not chargeable.
  • Broken or worn keys will be replaced without charge. Original key parts must be returned to FP&M Lockshop.
  • Replacement of lost/stolen keys or failure to return assigned keys will result in charges to the Department employing the person identified as the key assignee. FP&M has set the following replacement costs for the various key levels:

    Type of Key Replacement Cost
    Room or Outside Door Key $10.00
    Building Sub-Master Key $100.00
    Building Master Key $200.00
    Grand Master Key $1,000.00
  • Lock changes required to maintain building security following lost or stolen key incidents are chargeable work orders. The Building Supervisor, Dean, Director or Department Chair will complete and submit a Work Order Request form.

Key Issuance

  • All unclassified, classified and LTE employees will be issued keys needed to access office and/or work areas.
  • All key requests must be submitted in writing on a KEY REQUEST FORM to the FP&M Lockshop (Section G-1). Authorized signatures of immediate supervisor, Department Chair/Director, College Dean and/or Building Supervisor are required (outlined in Section B).
  • FP&M will maintain employee key records on its Lockshop database. The Lockshop will provide Building Supervisors with reports of key records grouped by department as requested, and will work with Building Supervisors and their Department Liaisons to maintain accuracy of these records as changes occur.
  • For short-term or temporary building access, Departments may retain duplicate check-out keys in a secured area (lockable box or cabinet). Responsibility for the security of these keys, as well as establishing a sign-out procedure to track the location of the keys, remains with the department.
  • Replacement requests for lost or stolen keys are submitted on the KEY REQUEST FORM (Section G-1). Keys will be replaced when a copy of University Police report has been mailed/faxed to FP&M. User code indicated on KEY REQUEST FORM will be charged for replacement keys (Section D-3).

Key Return Issues

  • University keys are returned when employees terminate campus employment, retire, resign, transfer departments or change room assignments. A KEY RETURN FORM is completed, signed and submitted to the Departmental Office along with the returned keys (Section G-2).
  • Rekeying of a building or group of rooms may result in employees being required to exchange an old key for a new one. Departmental designees will assume responsibility for collecting an old key before the employee receives a new key.
  • Specific retrieval procedures for PR buildings will be established by the Executive Director of Auxiliary Services in accordance with the special needs of PR facilities and in a form that satisfies the general security and access principles of the institutional key policy.

Key Transactions & Forms (GPR Buildings)

Facilities Planning and Management Lockshop will process all key requests, transfers, replacements and returns for GPR buildings. Occupants of PR buildings will contact the office of the Executive Director of Auxiliary Services for specific instructions.

  • Key Request Form
    Requests for keys are submitted in writing on a KEY REQUEST FORM. Forms may be obtained from the Building Supervisor, Departmental office or FP&M Lockshop. After the form has been completed and appropriate signatures of authorization obtained, it is sent to the Facilities Planning and Management Lockshop for final approval and key issuance.
  • Key Return Form
    Return of University keys is documented by filling out a KEY RETURN FORM. employees transferring departments, moving to new office/work spaces or leaving the University will record keys returned and sign form. Transaction will be verified by the Building Supervisor or designee. Keys and form will be sent to FP&M Lockshop for verification of records and restocking.
  • Key Transfers - With prior verbal approval of the FP&M Lockshop, keys may be transferred from one employee to another if both RETURN and REQUEST forms are completed and mailed together to FP&M Lockshop. Authorized signatures on forms are required, as well as name and phone number of Contact Person who will be handling the actual transaction.
  • New Lock/Lock Change Request - Any situation that requires rekeying is a chargeable work request. Work orders can be submitted online. Charges for rekeying will be billed to the user code indicated on the form.

Record Keeping

Facilities Planning and Management will keep records of keys issued for GPR buildings for all University employees. Building Supervisors will maintain key records for their buildings and departments. The Office of the Executive Director of Auxiliary Services (or designees) will manage the records for PR buildings. FP&M will maintain a security software system which will record building key data and employee key records. Reports will be generated by Facilities Planning and Management for GPR buildings as requested by Building Supervisors.


Facilities Planning and Management will periodically perform physical inventories of keys for GPR buildings. Keys found missing at that time will be subject to charges listed in Section D-3.

No Duplication or unauthorized Transferring of Keys

The Wisconsin Administrative Code Section UW 18.06 (12) currently reads as follows:

  • "Keys. (a) No person may duplicate a university key or request the unauthorized duplication of a university key. (b) No person may transfer any university key from an individual entrusted with its possession to an unauthorized person, or be in unauthorized possession of a university key. (c) Keys in the possession of unauthorized persons may be confiscated. (d) No person shall replace without permission, damage, tamper with or vandalize any university lock or security device."

Also, the Wisconsin Administrative Code Section UWS 18.07 reads as follows:

  • "Penalties. Unless otherwise specified, the penalty for violating any of the rules in s. UWS 18.06 shall be a forfeiture of not more than $500, as provided in s. 36.11 (1) (c) Stats."

Contractor Key Issuance

  • Requests for keys shall be made using the CONTRACTOR KEY REQUEST FORM (Section G-5). All keys must be personally signed for by the contractor's representative to whom the keys are issued. Contractor must abide by the Contractor Key Agreement stated on the form.
  • All keys must be returned to FP&M before final payment authorization will be granted.
  • FP&M will be responsible for contractor key issuance, collection and record keeping.

High Security Areas

For reasons of safety and security, University Police must maintain access to all university areas. It is, therefore, essential that all areas remain on the master key system. When security of a space is in question and keying off the master key system is sought, exceptions to this policy must be made through the appropriate Vice/Assistant Chancellor's office. Authorization and approval for these exceptions will be granted by the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs. Facilities Planning and Management may deny custodial and maintenance services to these areas if access is not readily available. (Departments may want to investigate other security measures/devices before deciding upon this procedure.)

In the event a state employee has been named in either a Notice of Claim or Summons and Complaint (lawsuit) in a civil action or civil proceeding, Wisconsin statutes mandate defense by the Attorney General and full cooperation in the defense by the employee/defendant. This is set forth in Wisconsin Statute 893.82 and 895.46 (attached). Wisconsin Statute 893.82 deals with the mandate of the Attorney General to investigate and compromise claims and sec. 895.46 relates to defense of litigation by the Attorney General and the duty of the employee/defendant to cooperate in the defense of the case.

The Director of Risk Management and Safety serves as a liaison between the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and University of Wisconsin System Legal Department, System Risk Management, State Risk Management and the Department of Justice whenever legal action is served against officials of the institution regarding actions taken while acting within their scope of employment. Legal actions may include Notice of Claim and Summons and Complaints (lawsuits).

Notice of Claim

If an individual wishes to sue a state employee or agent, a Notice of Claim must be filed within 120 days from the event which caused the injury, damage, etc. The claim must be sworn to by the claimant and served upon the Attorney General by certified mail. This action provides the Attorney General with adequate time to investigate claims which might result in judgements to be paid by the state and an opportunity to effect a compromise without a civil action or civil proceeding (lawsuit).

Notification of receipt of a Notice of Claim by the Attorney General will be sent to the Risk Management Department on campus with a request to investigate the claim. The Risk Management Department will in turn notify the individual named as a defendant in the action. Communications between an employee/defendant and the Department of Justice staff are confidential. Do not discuss the case with co-workers or staff as these discussions may be inquired in to during the discovery process.

The Department of Justice attorney assigned the case will be in contact with the employee/defendant. The names, addresses and telephone numbers, both work and home, of all persons named in the Notice of Claim as well as witnesses are crucial to the Department of Justice. Provide all documents/records pertaining to the legal action to the Department of Justice through the Risk Management Department. Cooperate to the fullest in the defense of the case.

Summons and Complaint (Lawsuit)

Summons and complaint (lawsuits) are served (delivered) by a process server, sheriff or police official to the individual named in the lawsuit. Only the person(s) named in the lawsuit admit service (accept) on the Summons and Complaint. A signature is required in acknowledgment of the summons. DO NOT accept a Summons and Complaint for another person.

The Attorney General's Office has requested that named defendants in federal cases, not sign acknowledgments of service. It is the Attorney General's preference that the acknowledgment form be forwarded, unsigned and undated, to the Department of Justice, Civil Litigation Unit, Attn: Corey Finkelmeyer, 123 W. Washington Avenue, Madison, WI 53708. The reason for this request is that the time for answering the complaint begins to run when the defendant served signs the acknowledgment form and returns it to the court. The answer must be filed within twenty days thereafter. The Assistant Attorney General assigned to the case will acknowledge service for the defendants. By following this procedure, the Attorney General will have more time to answer the complaint.

In either case, once the Summons and Complaint has been served, follow the steps below:

  1. Contact the Risk Management and Safety Office at 472-1856 or Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs, 472-1922.

  2. Deliver the original document to the Risk Management Office, Hyer 330 as soon as possible. The original will be sent to the Department of Justice and copies to the Chancellor, Provost and UW-System Legal Counsel. A Department of Justice attorney will be assigned to the case.

  3. Communications between an employee/defendant and the Department of Justice staff are confidential. DO NOT discuss the case with co-workers or staff as these discussions may be inquired into during the discovery process of the case.

  4. The Department of Justice Attorney assigned the case will be in contact with the employee/defendant. The names and addresses and telephone numbers, both home and work, of all persons named in the lawsuit as well as witnesses are crucial to the Department of Justice.

  5. Provide all documents/records pertaining to the legal action to the Department of Justice.

  6. Cooperate with the Department of Justice to the fullest in the defense of the case.


Lost and found items are unclaimed items turned in at the Information/Ticket Services. It is UNLAWFUL to use, borrow, or keep any of the items unless you are the rightful owner.


  1. Logging in:
    1. Items are inventoried upon arrival. A Lost and Found IC card (stored in the L&F Binder, above the L&F filing cabinet next to the radio) is attached to the item stating the item log in number, date turned in, and a description of the item.
    2. Items are also logged into the Lost and Found Binder listing the item log in number, the date turned in, and a description of the item.
    3. The item is placed in the Lost and Found filing cabinet in accordance with the labeled drawers:
      • Clothes
      • Books
      • Bookbags
      • Miscellaneous items.
    4. If an item contains identification, notify the owner as soon as possible.
    5. Items containing cash, or items with an estimated value of $100 or more will be verified by a second person, logged in and then given to the staff personnel; Coordinator, or building manager (after 4:30p.m. or on weekends) to be secured. The items log should reflect this action.
    6. When the Information Services is closed, building managers are responsible for filling out the ID card and logging found items into the binder. Information attendants are responsible for logging items during the day. Anyone logging the Lost and Found binder must initial the appropriate area. This also goes for anyone giving out items to the owner.
    7. Information Services staff will verify the items listed on the building manager?s night report. These should be verified in the log book and the filing cabinet. If they are not logged in, please to so. Notify John Peterson if items are not there as listed on the report.
    8. Animals are not accepted at Lost and Found.
    9. If a bicycle is turned in, call #3413 in General Services to come pick it up, note the date the bike was turned in and attach it to the bike.
    10. The first Monday morning Information Services will inventory remaining lost and found items, prepare a Lost and Found Report and prepare 2 copies for distribution (log book and Coordinator).
  2. Returning items:
    1. If a student ID is turned in, take the ID to the ID/ Meal Plan Office (Room 250 University Center) ASAP. If it is after 4:30 p.m. or a weekend, log it in and make a note to the employees working during ID/Meal Plan hours that it should be turned in as soon as the ID/Meal Plan Office opens and this action should be recorded.
    2. If someone comes to claim an item, check to see if the item is logged in the binder, and check the filing cabinet. If you need assistance; request help from the Coordinator. After 4:30 p.m., page a building manager. Items containing cash and expensive items need to be claimed during business hours.
    3. The individual claiming the item(s) should provide identification, complete the claim sheet, and sign his/her name in the binder on the appropriate line. The log should then be dated and signed by the employee giving the item(s) out.
  3. Disposing of items:
    1. All items are retained for 30 days, and then disposed of as listed below:
      • Unclaimed cash items will be disposed of at staff personnel?s discretion. Ten percent of the unclaimed cash will be deposited to usercode 294 to recover expenses; the balance of cash will be given to a non-profit organization, such as Whitewater Food Pantry.
      • Unclaimed items with an estimated cash value over $100.00 will also be disposed of at staff personnel?s discretion. The item will be taken to property disposal surplus and ten percent of the money received from the property disposal surplus will be deposited to usercode 294 to recover expenses, the balance of cash will be given to a non-profit organization, for example, Whitewater Food Pantry.
      • Identification card (credit, TYME, telephone) will be cut up if not claimed by appropriate owner.
      • Prescription eyeglasses/sunglasses will be turned over to the local Lions Club.
      • University keys will be turned over to the University locksmith.
      • Textbooks will be turned over to the University Textbook Rentals or the library as appropriate.
      • Unmatched items, damaged items or other non-resale items will be disposed of.
      • All other items will be taken to the local Goodwill Deposit location which is in Whitewater on the first Sunday of each month in the Wal-Mart parking lot. Information attendant will organize, inventory, and pack items for delivery to the trailer. The first Sunday of each month a building manager will collect items held for 30 days or more and take them to Goodwill. Those items will be recorded in the log as contribution, dated and initialed by the building manager. The Inventory Log contributed items should be signed by the receiving person at Goodwill.

UW- Whitewater Police Department offers fingerprinting and Notary services for anyone who may need them.  

  • Fingerprinting services cost $5.00 cash per card printed.  A state issued ID needed to complete the fingerprints.
  • Notary services are free of charge. A state issued ID is needed to complete the notarization. Please call 262-472-4660 to make an appointment for either of these services.

Quality care of painted surfaces is an important component of a sound facilities maintenance program. The correct type of paint, properly applied, provides an attractive environment, preserves the useful life of building components, and aids in housekeeping. An on-going painting program is essential to assure that painted surfaces remain in sound condition.

In previous years, all academic building areas were painted on a revolving five-year cycle, regardless of whether painting was necessary. Reductions in staffing and funding resources have required replacing the fixed cycle painting program with an as-needed maintenance painting approach. This limited approach addresses only areas needing repainting vs. all building areas. This policy relies on following the fixed building repainting cycle, thorough inspection of potential areas for painting and establishing priorities of painting.

As an academic building comes up on the maintenance painting schedule, an inspection will be conducted by FP&M's painter, the respective Maintenance Manager and Building Supervisor. The inspection will determine which areas will be painted during that cycle for the scheduled building. The areas inspected will include lobbies, corridors, restrooms, classrooms, and offices. The painting assessment will determine the need and extent of painting. Any painting in campus academic buildings must be approved or conducted by FP&M.

Facilities Planning and Management offers a university standard 20 earth-tone colors in light shades. Lighter colors minimize paint and labor for future color changes. The Maintenance Manager, working in cooperation with the Building Supervisor, will select colors from the 20-color standard chart for all offices and common areas. (Optional colors are available for a cost to individual departments. Painting with darker colors will result in higher charges due to future difficulties with covering the selected dark paint color. All requests for optional colors must be authorized by the department head through a FP&M work order.)

A painting schedule by floor will be prepared to better manage and schedule time. The schedule will be forwarded to the department head, Building Supervisor and Maintenance Manager. If an office is scheduled for repainting, it will be the responsibility of the occupant to remove all items from the shelves and desks. If the occupant desires, the shelves and desks can be emptied at a cost to the department. If the office is not cleared and ready to paint at the scheduled time, painting will not be done until the next scheduled maintenance painting cycle; the building painting cycle currently has a 5-8 year frequency. Painting completed at a time other than the scheduled maintenance painting cycle will be charged to the requesting customer and department.

FP&M will establish maintenance tracking work orders, by building, to capture labor and materials expenses. Due to the availability of crafts painters, most maintenance painting will occur from October through April.

Questions can be directed to Ken Kramer, Crafts Supervisor, Ext 6706.

SOURCE: Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs

The Director of Procurement Services shall coordinate all property disposal activities on campus as the official Property Control Officer for 足彩平台. All such surplus property disposition shall be in accordance with regulations found in the "State Procurement Manual" section "PRO-F3, 4, & 5" as published by the Wisconsin Department of Administration.

All departments, offices and individuals contemplating the disposition of surplus University property--whether it be by transfer to another state agency without cost, selling to another agency or the general public, trade-in on the purchase of new equipment, or destroying--shall first notify the 足彩平台 property management unit. Before any disposition, written permission must be obtained from the State Property Control Manger. The campus manager will process the necessary forms and make the reports as required by the "Administrative Practices Manual."

Whenever a department is replacing a piece of equipment with a similar piece of new equipment, the used or obsolete surplus piece may become a part of the purchase transaction. Such trade-ins shall be properly identified on the Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order so that the campus property manager will be able to complete the required paperwork.

Unit supervisors are encouraged to make periodic inspections within his/her unit to prevent the unnecessary build-up of idle or obsolete property. The campus property manager should be notified regarding all supplies, equipment, and materials which are no longer needed. After the Surplus Property unit has made all attempts to redistribute surplus items on campus, within the University System and to all State Agencies, they will then be offered to the general public through a competitive disposal process (sale, auction, etc.). The final option for disposal of unwanted materials is the sale to scrap dealer(s) in bulk lots, but only after several attempts have been made to recover above scrap values.

The campus Property Control Officer is responsible for all arrangements for the disposal of property on campus through transfer, sale, and/or destruction. Multiple avenues are available for the recovery of some compensation for surplus/idle materials. These options as well as the restrictions are outlined below:

  1. For those units/departments wishing to retain ownership and full negotiating authority to secure some internal compensation (exchange for goods or funds from another department, campus, or state entity), they should not send the goods to the Surplus. Property unit but rather retain the items until removed by the buying entity. However, prior approval for the disposition must still be obtained from the campus Property Control Officer. Methods used by the Surplus Property unit to advertise merchandise will be made available, but the storage of these goods remains the responsibility of the owner (department).
  2. Proceeds from the sale of declared surplus merchandise handled by the campus Surplus Property unit are split 50/50 between the Surplus Property operation and the original owner (department) after all extraneous disposal costs have been deducted. This split arrangement is not applicable when items are sold in bulk lots with low dollar value making the split cumbersome to track.

  3. Right of negotiations for best deal and actual disposal method passes to the Surplus Property management when goods are in the possession of the Surplus Property unit.

  4. Transfer of state owned merchandise to individuals without charge is prohibited without the explicit approval of the Property Control Officer.

  5. The sale of surplus merchandise to any outside entity must be approved by the campus Property Control Officer.

Statutory Source: 20.901. (1)
Abandoned Property: Property abandoned and unclaimed after 60 days.
Necessary Expense: All direct and indirect expenses incurred in the acquisition, transport, handling, storage, administration and sale of abandoned property.
Sales: Abandoned property may be disposed of in a public or private sale. Necessary expenses may be deducted from the proceed of those sales. These items need not be sold as surplus property as of this date (12/1/90)

  1. Sales process are to be handled through fund 128 in an account called Abandoned Property under the supervision of the Procurement Director.

  2. Abandoned property will be classified as such by Campus Police as part of their supervision of the campus "lost & found" function. Such items will be tagged to indicate the date the item was found abandoned, after which, if unclaimed for 60 days, the property becomes eligible for sale.

  3. Campus Police will deliver abandoned property to the Procurement Services loading dock. Abandoned items of small sizes and/or of large estimated value, will be accumulated at Campus Police headquarters for weekly pick-up by Procurement Services. Items of large estimated value should be receipted when possession is changed.

  4. Sales of this property shall be the Procurement Director's responsibility and shall comply with the most current state directives.

  5. Necessary expenses shall be compiled on a fiscal year basis by the Procurement Director and the Police Chief. The basis used to establish these expense amounts should be documented and retained. (Documented means to commit to writing and does not imply that complex computations supportive of high degrees of exactitude are required to substantiate the estimates.)

  6. The estimated total Necessary Expense is to be transferred to the Abandoned Property account, preferably after each sale.

  7. Campus Police will receive $200 per fiscal year to defray part of their costs of acquisition, tagging and transport. In addition, the proceeds from the sale of individual items which exceed $200, will be shared equally by Campus Police and Procurement Services.

  8. If a point is reached where sales proceeds exceed all estimated Necessary Expense, a review of those estimates will be made to assure that all appropriate expenses are accounted for prior to depositing excess proceeds into the state School Fund.

  9. If Necessary Expenses are not completely covered in a given fiscal year, they should be brought forward to the following fiscal year and added to that year's total estimated Necessary Expense. See item (5) and the Necessary Expense worksheet.

Below are the forms to be completed when reporting and requesting insurance reimbursement on a property loss.

  1. Proof of Loss
  2. General Accident Report/Property Damage Form
  3. You will need to provide a copy of your department inventory showing the item you wish to replace or repair and/or a copy of the purchase order or requisition that was used to purchase the item.
  4. You will need police reports on items stolen or vandalized.
  5. Submit a quote for the replacement item or estimate of repair for damaged property.

Currently our property loss deductibles are:

  1. $1000 for damaged or destroyed items
  2. $1000 for stolen property where forced entry occurred
  3. $2500 for stolen property where there was no evidence of forced entry.

Send all forms and required documentation to the Risk Management and Safety Office (Hyer Room 330). If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our office at 1856.

The University of Wisconsin System will provide and maintain adequate facilities for a safe and healthy learning environment. It is the University's responsibility to work with faculty and staff so that they are equipped to educate their students on practices and procedures that ensure safety for all members of the university. Employees with instructional responsibilities are expected to comply with state and federal safety laws and regulations in their institutional areas. Certain courses and research projects required that the student work with hazardous materials while engaging in academic studies. Instructors of these courses and research projects shall inform and train students on procedures that will maintain the students' personal health and safety and provide them with information on the hazards of specific chemicals that will be used during their course of study. Furthermore, instructors will enforce and follow safety policies. Prior to use of hazardous materials and equipment, the student shall review the procedures and information, and discuss any associated concerns with the instructor.

Source: Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs


For some time, members of the 足彩平台 community have expressed concerns about the risk of injury to persons and the damage to campus property that results from some skating or bicycling activities. This policy is the result of faculty, staff, and student collaboration, under the auspices of the Campus Safety Committee, and it supplements existing provisions which already exist in UWS 18 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code.

足彩平台 does not provide or maintain facilities or locations specifically designed for skating or bicycling. Therefore, persons engaged in these activities must do so in a careful and prudent manner, with due regard for the safety of all persons on campus. Those engaged in these activities directly assume all risks associated with skating or bicycling.


UWS 18.06(29)

SKATEBOARDS, ROLLER SKATES AND ROLLER BLADES. No person may skateboard, rollerskate, or use roller blades or any other similar wheeled device in or on university buildings, or on sidewalks, roadways, or parking areas on university lands, except in areas designated for this purpose by the chief administrative officer.

Note: This section is initially applicable at the time the chief administrative officer first exercises the authority to designate areas for skateboarding, roller skating, roller blading, or similar activities.

The term "skating" means the use of skateboards, in-line skates, roller skates, and roller-skis as transportation.

Unless prohibited as listed below, skating is permitted on 足彩平台 property.

Skating is prohibited on the UWW campus in the following locations:

  • On ramps or platforms immediately adjacent to doors of buildings
  • On exterior or interior stairs
  • Within the interior of buildings
  • On the tennis courts or running tracks
  • On benches, tables, bicycle racks, railings, or landscape structures, such as walls or fountains
  • Within parking lots
  • In any area where a sign, or other written notification, has been posted to indicate that skating is not permitted

Acrobatic or reckless skating is not permitted on university lands.

  • Acrobatic skating occurs when all of the wheels of a skateboard, or of both skates, are simultaneously out of contact with the ground during skating. This definitions applies except when the skateboards or skates are being carried or when they are motionless.
  • Reckless skating occurs when there is a significant risk of injury to another person or damage to another person's, or the university's, property. Skating activity will also be considered as reckless if it disrupts university operations. The presence of pedestrians and vehicles or the skater's speed may be considered when determining if the skating is reckless.


UWS 18.08(3)

The chief administrative officer may require the registration of all student, faculty, or staff motor vehicles or bicycles on lands under said officer's jurisdiction and may limit or prohibit their use in designated areas during designated hours. Any person who violates institutional regulations promulgated under this subsection may be fined up to $25.

The term "bicycling" refers to the use of a bicycle to ride upon as transportation.

Unless prohibited as listed below, bicycling is permitted on 足彩平台 property.

Bicycling is prohibited on the UWW campus in the following locations:

  • On ramps or platforms immediately adjacent to doors of buildings
  • On exterior or interior stairs
  • Within the interior of buildings
  • On the tennis courts or running tracks
  • On benches, tables, bicycle racks, railings, or landscape structures, such as walls or fountains
  • Within parking lots
  • In any area where a sign, or other written notification, has been posted to indicate that bicycling is not permitted

Acrobatic and reckless bicycling is not permitted on university lands.

  • Acrobatic bicycling occurs when all of the wheels of a bicycle are simultaneously out of contact with the ground during riding. This definition applies except when the bicycles are being carried or when they are motionless.
  • Reckless bicycling occurs when there is a significant risk of injury to another person or damage to another person's, or the university's, property. Bicycling will also be considered as reckless if it disrupts university operations. The presence of pedestrians and vehicles or the bicycle's speed may be considered when determining if the bicycling is reckless.


Violations of this policy will be considered conduct which tends to cause or provoke a disturbance in university buildings or on university lands. As such, and under other provisions, University Police may issue citations for the violation of Wisconsin Administrative Codes. In addition, students, faculty, or staff of the university may be subject to internal procedures that address the violation.

SOURCE: Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs 

Revised October, 2008

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is committed to providing a safe, healthy environment for all employees, students and visitors to the campus.  Effective June 10, 1991, updated July 10, 2002 and then in October, 2008 all buildings and vehicles, regardless of location, which are owned or leased by the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater are declared to be entirely smoke free.  "Smoke Free" is an environment in which there is NO use of lighted cigarettes, cigars, pipes or other smoking materials in University buildings and vehicles.  To mitigate the established health risks associated with exposure to second-hand smoke, 足彩平台 also prohibits smoking within twenty-five (25) feet of all building entrances, air intakes, operable windows or other designated areas.

To reduce the risk of fire and litter on the campus all smoking materials must be extinguished and disposed of in designated containers.


Statutes Wisconsin 101.123 and 36.11

System Policies UWS 18.06 and 18.07

足彩平台 Senate - November 13, 1990

Residence Hall Association - December 8, 1999

Violators:Violations will be handled like other work rule or policy violations.

Warhawk Stadium Smoke Free Policy:

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater's Warhawk stadium does not allow smoking in the general stadium or press box area. Smoking can be done ONLY in the area west and north of the concession area, or on the walkway behind the bleachers. Announcements will be made prior to each stadium event and throughout the event. Signs will be posted in appropriate locations.

Space planning and management at 足彩平台 falls under the overall umbrella of campus Physical Development Planning. Integral to the Physical Development Planning system are long-range (six-year) planning, program-driven space planning, biennial capital budget planning, biennial state building program construction, central space data management and annual locally-funded construction. There are several key principles which are the foundation of this comprehensive planning and management system and govern it's decision processes. They are as follows:

  1. All space additions, changes or enhancements must be program driven.

  2. All space additions, changes or enhancements must be framed within a comprehensive, long-range, campus-wide space plan.

  3. Space is a campus resource to be utilized and optimized to best meet the University's mission; not the property of a particular program, unit, department, college or division.

  4. The construction of new facilities is extremely difficult in our current funding environment; priority is instead given to optimizing existing campus space through conversion, renovation or reprogramming.

  5. All space planning must consider the campus program eco-system and the effects additions, changes or enhancements will have on other programs, maintenance and our surroundings.

  6. The current substantial State investment in our facilities must be protected and maintained.

As Building Supervisors, you need to be aware of the programs within your assigned building and the general direction of those programs. When those program directions or needs result in construction, you should be aware of that construction, its' scope, and the general construction schedule. Your college or division's representation and participation in the campus' Physical Development Planning process should enable you to learn of future needed program space activities. Facilities Planning and Management, or program managers within your building, should provide you with information regarding specific construction projects.

For daily operations, space occupant changes should be forwarded to Andy Rurey 262-472-6705 in an effort to accurately maintain our space database records.  Space program space improvement and remodeling requests should be forwarded through your division administrator to FPM-In-House Project Coordinator, Maureen Quass 262-472-6733.  If you have further questions about FPM’s space planning or management processes, please call Nicole Thompson, External Project Coordinator 262-472-5553.

U-NET (University Non-Emergency Transportation) is one option of transportation to emergency rooms or medical/counseling clinics and hospitals in the local area, 24 hours per day within the limits of the transportation provider. This service is available for students living within the city limits who do not require (* note exception for Bella) assistance in walking to the car or boarding a wheelchair accessible van. Students arranging for their own independent transportation is typically the first preferred option as transportation remains the student's responsibility. U-NET (funded by University segregated fees) is provided as a courtesy service and availability is not guaranteed. The cost of the transport is billed to the University when the transport is arranged for and authorized by representatives of the following offices:

* Health Service - M-F. 8-4:30. *Counseling Service - M-F. 8-4:30.

Students living off-campus have access through the Health & Counseling Services during the hours listed.

* Residence Life Professional Staff - 24 hr. access for residents.

* On call person for the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)- 24 hr.access for victims of sexual assault.

Listed below are the transport companies and their phone numbers:

  1. Brown Cab: 9-1-(920)-563-6303.

        Hours: Academic year - 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Sun-Wed.
        Thurs.,Fri & Sat. 7:00 a.m. to Midnight.
        Non-Academic year - (5/11/97 - 9/1/97) 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mon-Thurs.
        Fri.-Sat- till 12, Sun. Till 2 p.m.

        First Provider, can provide return transport if within allotted times without further authorization.
        Primary purpose is to transport to Fort Atkinson Memorial Hospital and MD offices, and Whitewater MD offices.
        Cost of 1 way transport to hospital is approximately $12.00.
         Please specify if a wheel chair accessible van is needed.

  2. Bella Mobile Care, Inc.: 473-8200.

        Hours: 24 hrs./day, 7 days/week.

        Utilize when Brown Cab cannot accommodate, i.e., due to unavailability, after hours or destination exceeds their driving radius * or when assistance is needed to board van.
        Can provide 10 mile radius round trip transport for $30.00. 
        Alert Bella if client has M.A. for billing purposes.
        Will also provide transport beyond the 10 mile radius for an additional $1.25 per mile.

  3. Fort Atkinson Memorial Hospital: 9-1-920-568-5333.

        Hours: 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. 7 days/week.
        Through FAMHS arrangement with Kutz Ambulance or van to provide transportation to the hospital.
        Can provide return transportation without further authorization.
        Please specify if a wheel chair accessible van is needed.

  4. Kutz Ambulance Service: 9-1-920-563-6212.

        Hours: 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
        6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday - Friday for wheelchair accessible van.

        May be called if Brown Cab and Bella are both unable to transport and immediate transport is essential.
        One way cost to FAMHS is about $25.00. 
        Please specify if a wheelchair accessible van is needed.
        Kutz also provides transport for persons requiring more medical support than UNET is intended to provide. Be sure to state that the person being transported needs a van and not an ambulance. If immediate medical assistance is needed, call the Rescue Squad at 911.

In the event of severe weather conditions, all on-campus operations of 足彩平台 will be carried on unless power outages or other critical circumstances preclude the use of University buildings. Therefore, it should be assumed that scheduled activities will continue unless instructions from the Chancellor's Office direct to the contrary.

Individuals who must travel to or from campus should use their judgment as to whether or not such travel is wise. Should it be necessary to cancel a class due to the absence of a faculty member, it is the responsibility of that faculty member to notify the department chairperson and to schedule an appropriate make-up session. Class cancellations should not be telephoned directly to the Campus Radio Station or Channel 6 TV but must be transmitted by the departmental or college office. Students should contact the department of the course for information about the status of individual classes.The operation of off-campus classes in a weather emergency will be governed by whether the facility in which they are held is open. If the facility is closed, the class will be cancelled. The Office of Continuing Education will notify the instructor of such a cancellation. Each class will use its system of students notifying each other of such a cancellation to avoid persons expecting the class to be held when it is not.